Tuesday 21 June 2011


My Love For You...


There are no words
to express what I
feel for you.

There are no songs
as beautiful as the music
that fills my soul
when I hear your voice.

There are no roses
as lovely as your smile.

There are no days
brighter than the days
I spend with you.

Nothing moves me
like you do.

You're my light
in the darkness...

And there could never be
words strong enough
to express my love for you.

"My Love For You," written and designed by Stanley Jones, 2001


The One I Love...

If we could start
all over again,
I wouldn't change a thing,
for even the tears we've shared
have brought us closer.
Every day,
I think about
how fortunate I am
to have you in my life.
I can't express enough
how much I appreciate
and cherish you.
I only hope that you
hold me as dear,
and think of me
as the one you
always wanted,
because you are the one
that I'll always love.

"The One I Love," written and designed by Stanley Jones, 2004


Blue Without You...

My red heart is blue,
because I'm missing you.
Every day, I think about you,
and I imagine how great
every hour,
every minute,
and every second would be
if you were here with me.
Every night, when I lie in bed,
I dream that you're beside me,
holding me close to you.
If you were, I'd whisper in your ear,
how much I love you.
Since you came into my life
nothing has been the same.
I've experienced love to its fullest,
and I've tasted a beauty that never ends,
because you're where my happiness begins.
I'm incomplete without you, and
I'll never stop loving you.
You're the world to me,
in brilliant colors.
You're my best friend,
a favorite song that will never end.
And together is where we should be.
Someday soon, I pray,
that you'll walk through the door
and take this heartache away.

"Blue Without You," written and designed by Stanley jones


 One and Only...


You're more beautiful than a satiny pink rose,
more beautiful than a starlit sky,
more beautiful than a magenta sunset,
more beautiful than the
early morning rays of the sun,
more beautiful than a haunting romantic song.
I love nothing more than being with you.
I'd rather be with you than
do anything else in the world.
The sound of your voice soothes
something deep inside me
while at the same time,
it stirs a romantic passion
that can make me forget everything else.
Your smile makes my heart pound wildly
and my knees weak.
I love to fantasize about making love to you.
I can picture us entwined in a garden of pink.
I would stare into your eyes,
enthralled by all that you are...
by a beauty that's incomparable.
There's no one like you,
and you're my one and only.

"One and Only," written and designed by Stanley Jones, 2000


Why I Love You...

Every time I think about you,
I'm reminded of the reasons
why I love you from the depth
of my heart and soul.
And I wonder what I'd
do without you,
without your healing smile,
your words of faith,
the caring and sensitive way
you touch me,
lifting me
just when I need it most.
Without you,
what would I have?
What would I be?
I can't imagine existing in
a world where someone doesn't
love me the way you do.
You're the only one who ever
understood me and accepted me
for who I am.
And I think you're nothing short
of amazing.
Your love always has been
and always will be,
life's greatest gift to me!

"Why I Love You," written and designed by Stanley Jones, 2003


Yes, I love you...


Yes, I love you... "Yes, I Love You," written and designed by Stanley Jones, 2000